Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Beef With Mother Nature

I completed my 1st half marathon in February of this year (2014) and absolutely loved the experience.  I ran the Cowtown Half in Fort Worth, TX and it was much different than running the typical 5K or 10K runs.  I’m not sure if it was the plethora of experienced runners or if it was just the atmosphere of the Cowtown itself, but the runners all seemed to be courteous and happy. 

Every 5K, 10K, and 15K I have ran (I am not exaggerating on EVERY), I have experienced some runner who pays no mind to other runners around them and they turn and spit as you run right into the path or that special runner who zig zags between every opening paying no attention to who may be coming up right beside them, as if they are the only person trying to squeeze by. I just want to shout , “Dude you are not the only person running this course!” Anyway, I could go on forever with other little peeves, but that is another blog entirely.

The Cowtown Half Marathon sparked my interest to push myself harder and go all the way, so I have kinda been training for the Route 66 Marathon in Oklahoma this November.  “I’m running to the Center of the Universe, Damn it!”

I carry a pretty busy workload.  I am currently a full time employee with a dream of being my own full time boss (soon, very soon), I am a full time mom of 2 boys (17 and 8), a full time wife (my 3rd child, shhh, don’t tell him I said that), I’m a part time business owner running SWEATS Boot Camp 5 Days a week, a Group Fitness instructor at a local gym twice a week, and a Make-up Presenter for Younique Cosmetics. So with that said, I have to plan my workouts for the week in advance in order to get the workouts and marathon training in that I need.

Yesterday was my scheduled ‘long’ morning run. One of only 2 mornings I have scheduled that I can get my longer runs in during the week, because the temperature is cooler. So, of course I wake up early, and go through my whole morning routine in order to get ready for a run. GPS (Nike Plus) - check, Sweatband – check, Bathroom Break – check, Light Warm-up – check, and no time for coffee so off I go.

Begin Rant: So I hit the 2 mile mark and I’m feeling good right, enjoying the nice cool morning sunrise when all of a sudden, BAM that instant gut wrenching feeling of mother nature! Oh yes, it was not just a drain your lizard kind of feeling (not that I have a lizard to drain, but you feel me right). It was the ‘OH CRAP’ kinda feeling that stops you right in your tracks and says, “Oh Crap, I hope you can make it!” Only I swear mother nature says a few not so nice words as she is laughing away singing, “Ha, Ha not today Homie you’re walking home!” So a few deep breaths and away I go making it only 4 steps before stopping again with the understanding that I really would be walking the rest of the way home. Where is a port-a-potty when you need one?

After making it home feeling defeated by mother nature. I sat back with my cup of coffee frustrated that there is never enough time in the day to do everything I want. I pondered as to why mother nature couldn’t strike on a 1 mile quick run after body pump class when I did not really want to run in the 1st place. Why couldn’t it be on a Sunday when I have time to go back out after using the rest room. I didn’t even have coffee before my run, dang it!  Ugh, why does using the restroom have to be so inconvenient.  TMI…..yes I know, but this is for the crazy runner out there who has been there and knows the feeling of mother natures inconvenient timing.  I love mother nature but she sure can be a pain in the…. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

This morning was one of those glorious mornings where the alarm clock goes off and I repeatedly hit the snooze button thinking to myself, "If I hit the snooze button just one more time I will wake up with tons of energy!" (Unfortunately, that never happens.) Stumbling out of bed, I move my limp body to the closet where I find myself sitting and staring at the clothes for another 15 to 20 minutes.  Something in my morning brain has me believing, if I stare at those clothes long enough, the clothes will magically jump off the hangers and onto my body.

Skipping coffee, I make it to the gym, LATE, but nonetheless I made it and that is what counts. My workout buddy was already getting warmed up on the dreadmill and greeted me with all smiles. We get started with our leg work out and move through a few machines when, to my surprise, I look down and notice something strange.  “What is wrong with these pants, they just don't look right?” I say to myself with wonder.  All of a sudden the lights got a bit brighter or perhaps from actually opening my eyes. (Maybe I was sleepwalking.) 
“OMG, I have my pants on inside out!” 

Yep, I left the house that way. Oh well, I made it to the gym that is all that matters.

Moral of the story: Just go with it! It’s better to get started late than to never start at all. You may mess up and look silly, but you are doing more than those who never hit snooze too many times because they never even bothered setting their alarms!