Friday, August 1, 2014

Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

This morning was one of those glorious mornings where the alarm clock goes off and I repeatedly hit the snooze button thinking to myself, "If I hit the snooze button just one more time I will wake up with tons of energy!" (Unfortunately, that never happens.) Stumbling out of bed, I move my limp body to the closet where I find myself sitting and staring at the clothes for another 15 to 20 minutes.  Something in my morning brain has me believing, if I stare at those clothes long enough, the clothes will magically jump off the hangers and onto my body.

Skipping coffee, I make it to the gym, LATE, but nonetheless I made it and that is what counts. My workout buddy was already getting warmed up on the dreadmill and greeted me with all smiles. We get started with our leg work out and move through a few machines when, to my surprise, I look down and notice something strange.  “What is wrong with these pants, they just don't look right?” I say to myself with wonder.  All of a sudden the lights got a bit brighter or perhaps from actually opening my eyes. (Maybe I was sleepwalking.) 
“OMG, I have my pants on inside out!” 

Yep, I left the house that way. Oh well, I made it to the gym that is all that matters.

Moral of the story: Just go with it! It’s better to get started late than to never start at all. You may mess up and look silly, but you are doing more than those who never hit snooze too many times because they never even bothered setting their alarms! 

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